A Pirate's Wife for Me 0.4.2 Update!

A new update for Pirate's Wife, with some exciting new features. This update is FREE for anyone who already owns Pirate's Wife.

  • New Nia spanking scene
  • New Brittany blowjob scene
  • New Smuggler's Outpost area
  • New scene at Smuggler's Outpost
  • Mutiny now an option if the Harpy's morale is too low

If you are playing an older version, check to make sure your crew's morale isn't below 0 when you start your game. It may cause your save to get locked out. Buy your crew some drinks or tap grog kegs first to get morale into the positive, then save your game and start in the new build. But morale shouldn't be a problem for a competent captain, right?

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